What do we do?
How can we make a change? What are our goals?
This is our plan:
Installing Ecosia in all of the school computers. Ecosia is an eco-friendly search engine that donates 80% (or more) of the profit they donate to planting trees. This helps the environment, but also helps people. The trees are usually planted in developing countries. People get jobs by planting trees, which means Ecosia is not only helping the environment, but people and economy in developing countries.
Creating a scrap paper pile that people can use instead of using new, white paper. People will be able to add to this pile, and people will be able to get the scrap paper whenever they need it.
Adding more recycling bins to the school.
Making sure the blinds are always pulled up in classes (when possible) so that less artificial lighting has to be used. You would be surprised how many times the blinds are down and lights are on. What a waste!
Give workshops to students in ies Alpedrete and other Primary schools in Alpedrete about the importance of preserving the environment. This way, we will educate kids and teach them how to help the environment. They say kids are the future, right?
Picking trash from the school patio. Some people in ies Alpedrete care about the environment. Some don’t. After every break, the school patio is dirty, with food wrappings and other things students couldn’t bother to throw to the bin. We would love it for people to stop throwing garbage to the floor (and we hope to reduce the number of people who do it with our workshops), but we want a cleaner patio. Teachers will pick up trash with their classes.
Collecting clothes and books that people don't want. We will make an exchange market at the end of the year, and the things that are left will be donated.
What the end project will look like:
We hope that when we finish this project (at the end of the school year) we will have made students at ies Alpedrete and kids at schools in Alpedrete more caring for the environment. We hope students and teachers will feel like the school is cleaner. We hope that we will be able to continue with this project next school year, so that we keep helping the environment and actually work like a ecoescuela.
These are our goals:
Having people donate clothes and books
To get 100 students from school to install Ecosia in their school computer.
Students and teachers to feel like the school is cleaner.
Kids to know more about the environment.
The blinds to always be pulled up, so that artificial light isn’t used unnecessarily.
SMART Goal Analysis:
We will do this by telling people they can give us the books and clothes they don't want. We will have this done by the end of the year.
We will do this by getting the school to instal Ecosia in all computers. This will have to be done by the end of the year and we will measure it by counting how many searches have been done using the computers.
We will manage this by cleaning the patio weekly and talking to students, so that they change their habits. This will have to be done by the end of the school year. We will measure it by asking students and teachers and also by taking photographs and comparing.
We will achieve this by informing students and giving them presentations about why the environment is important. This has to be done by the end of this school year. We will measure this by asking the students and by asking their teachers if they feel the way the students act has changed.
We will do this by getting people involved in the project and by informing people about our project. This has to be done by the end of the school year and we will know this is done when 20 people (including the Management Board) are included in this project. We will count this by writing down and keeping track of the people who help us.
We will do this by talking to the school and the teachers, and asking them to always pull the blinds up if possible. If we are in a class where the blinds are pulled down, we will pull them up. This will be done by the end of the school year. We will ask students if they feel like the blinds are pulled up more often than they used to and keep track of how many classes (that we are in) have the blinds pulled up, so that we can know when this is done.